An Interview With Junior Doctor Luke McEvoy

Meet Luke. Throughout secondary school Luke was unsure of what degree he wanted to study at university. During his placement year in upper sixth, Luke volunteered at law form and also at the Oh, Yeah! Centre in Belfast. This experience helped Luke to realise that he wanted to pursue a career in medicine. Leaving school, he moved to London and studied a medicine degree at University College London.
Luke completed his six year degree in London, and after he moved to Manchester for his first job in foundations years with the Salford Royal Hospital. During his time in Manchester Luke was involved in the BBC show Junior Doctors – On The Front Line, which is a documentary series following newly-qualified medics as they start working on hospital wards for the first time.
Luke is currently taking a career break and is planning to continue his studies and pursue a career as a GP.
In this episode we discuss careers in medicine, what a day in the hospital looks like as a junior doctor, and tips to help students through medicine university interviews.
An Interview With Luke McEvoy
Thanks For Listening
We would like to thank Luke for taking the time to share his career story with us.
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